The Romanian Association of Sexual Medicine is a professional, multidisciplinary, non-governmental and apolitical association founded in 2000. The association established to develop educational activities regarding sexual health, in order to improve individuals and couples quality of life as an important issue of public health.
All this time the main objective of A.M.S.R. was to extend the medical and scientific knowledge about erectile dysfunction and sexual health, through organising and supporting scientific events dedicated to medical professionals and also through organising awareness and educational campaigns addressed to the large public.
Among of the most important events organised by A.M.S.R. we can mention six National Conferences which called the attention of a large medical public. The seventh edition of the National AMSR Conference will take place on 12-14 April 2007 in Timisoara. The theme of the conference will be “Female sexual dysfunctions, a problem that needs to be addressed within the couple”.
The most important AMSR events addressed to the large public were part of some pan-European campaigns - "The European Week of Education and Information for Sexual Health", coordinated by ESSM and ESDA - and took place in 2003, 2004 and 2005.
In 2006 we have launched, the first online educational project in the field of sexual medicine in Romania. This is another project dedicated to the large Romanian public. Accessing the site, the user can find the address of a doctor specialised in sexual medicine, different articles about sexual medicine, an encyclopaedia on this theme and an ask an expert section. The content of the encyclopaedia was provided by ESDA. The website reached around 4000 users/ week.
Our future actions will be meant to improve the individual and couple sexual health. A.M.S.R. will function as a local branch of ESSM in Romania, adapting and applying its objectives to the local environment, according to the European standards. A.M.S.R. will go on with the same preoccupations offering to medical specialists the scientific support for the study of masculine, feminine and couple sexual dysfunction.
Executive Committee:
M. D. Ph. Prof. Nicolae Calomfirescu
Address: 134 Mihai Bravu Street, Bl. D21, Sc. A, Ap. 1, Sector II, Bucharest, Romania
Tel/Fax: 004-
M. D. Ph. D. Prof. Voichita Mogos
Address: 15 Gheorghe Asachi Street, Iasi, Romania
tel: 004-0232.213.226 |
M. D. Ph. D. Prof. Simona Fica
Address: 17 Marasesti Avenue, Elias Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
tel: 004-
M. D. Ph. D. Prof. Ioan Coman
Address: 16 Traian Street, Cluj, Romania
tel: 004-0264.432.374, 004-0264.437.050 |
Contact details:
General Secretary
M. D. Catalin Belinsky
Address: 21 Panduri Street, Bl. P8, Sc. 1, Ap 27, Bucharest, Romania
tel: 004-0745.062.248
